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English Preparatory Program

English Education Program

  • English is seen not as a goal but as a means to an end. Therefore, a content-based curriculum and a communicative approach are applied. 
  • Classes are limited to 10 students each to achieve the highest performance in teaching.
  • Most of our English instructors are native speakers, coming from countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, or Australia. Other instructors come from different countries but are proficient in English, using it at a native-like level.
  • Our instructors hold master's degrees in their fields. Additionally, they possess internationally recognized English teaching certifications such as Cambridge CELTA or DELTA.
  • At Ibn Haldun, each student is assessed individually, and language consultants create a personalized language learning program for each student based on the multiple intelligences approach.

Modular System

The overall aim of Ibn Haldun University Language School's English Preparatory Program is to prepare students for academic studies using a communicative approach and to encourage them to become effective, enthusiastic, and self-directed learners. When establishing the English Preparatory system, it was deemed appropriate to implement a Modular System, considering our students' profiles and the academic requirements of our university.

The implemented Modular System ensures that students, based on their proficiency levels, achieve the targeted language skills at the end of each module and contributes to the efficiency of language education.

The modular system approach is preferred due to its flexible structure that rapidly adapts to changes. A module comprises a series of coherent teaching experiences organized within a system, having a clear beginning and end. The logic behind modules allows students to progress at their own pace and receive immediate feedback on their accomplishments.

According to this system, there are five modules in an academic year, with each module lasting for 8 weeks.

The Levels at English Prep are as follows,

– Elementary
– Pre-Intermediate
– Intermediate
– Upper-Intermediate
– Pre-Faculty

For students to succeed in any module they are currently enrolled in, it's mandatory that they haven't exceeded the absence limit and have fulfilled the conditions specified in the Module-Based Evaluation Criteria set by the Language School. A student who hasn't succeeded in the ongoing module cannot progress to the next one and must repeat the same module.

For a student enrolled in the English Preparatory Program to take the English Proficiency Exam conducted either during or at the end of the academic year, they must succeed in each module they are enrolled in throughout the academic year. Additionally, they need to attend and successfully complete the module at the Pre-Faculty level.

Program Modules

According to the placement test results conducted at the beginning of the academic year, students who have little to no knowledge of English start at this level. Throughout this level, the aim is for students to acquire basic English vocabulary and grammar usage, enhance their comprehension and listening skills, gain structures necessary for everyday language use, and attain fundamental communication skills. To successfully complete this level, students need to excel in quizzes and exams, acquire process-oriented and timed writing skills, complete their assigned homework regularly, and prepare a video project.

Students reaching the Intermediate level particularly transition to academic English, which is essential, especially in the field of Social Sciences. At this level, the aim is for students to read and comprehend academic texts, deliver presentations for discussion, write and analyze articles, and engage in academic seminars, conferences, and lectures, while taking notes. At the Intermediate level, the focus is on efficiently utilizing Internet resources, conducting searches in academic databases, making presentations, and conducting research. Progress is measured through various process tools such as group discussions, oral presentations, and process-oriented essay writing.

Bu düzeyde öğrencilerin okuma, yazma, dinleme ve konuşma becerileri ilerleme gösterir. Başarılı olabilmeleri için öğrencilerin paragraf yazabilmeleri, sunum yapabilmeleri ve tartışma guruplarında aktif yer almaları gerekmektedir. Sınıf içi değerlendirme, kelime quizleri ve ödevler bu sürecin başarı ile tamamlanması için gereklidir. Bu düzeyde öğrenciler akademik İngilizceye geçiş sürecine hazırlık yaparlar.

The Upper-Intermediate level enhances students' academic reading, listening, and writing skills through texts relevant to their majors. At this level, a skills-based program is followed without adhering to the Main Coursebook. Lessons are conducted based on weekly selected themes. Emphasis is placed on skills required in students' academic lives such as effective note-taking, reading and analyzing academic texts, and the ability to write academic articles. Additionally, skills like critical thinking, interpreting a given text, and synthesizing information from different texts are acquired through reading, listening to, and discussing texts that offer diverse perspectives on the same topic. Assessment at this level is based on students' portfolios consisting of essays with citations and references, essays written in-class within limited time frames, contributions to in-class discussions, scores from vocabulary quizzes, assignments, teacher evaluations, and midterm exam results.

The Pre-Faculty Education Level provides transition education between Ibn Haldun University's English Preparatory Program and the Faculty Programs. Therefore, it doesn't solely focus on language skills and proficiency but prepares these skills and competencies according to the academic needs of the university's students. At this level, students take courses related to their departments, such as Principles of Academic Research, Civilization Studies, and Global Affairs. Pre-Faculty students continue to enhance their reading, analytical, and discussion skills by exposing them to long academic texts, listening, and note-taking excerpts. Students are expected to develop academic research skills throughout the process of source selection, evaluation, and use for a significant research assignment.