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About - Arabic

The Ibn Haldun School of Languages teaches English, Arabic and Turkish. It employs the latest technological and pedagogical methods in its program. To prepare students for their upcoming undergraduate education, the School of Languages applies content-based instruction and teaches a social sciences oriented curriculum.


Having mastered the basic skills in the target language, students will have a chance to go abroad and take some of the introductory courses in the undergraduate program in  countries such as the UK, the USA, Malaysia, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar or the UAE.


Ibn Haldun students will be given the privilege to start their undergraduate education in a country, where the language of instruction is spoken that will boost their lingual confidence and also provide a smooth transition into their studies. With 35% international students, the Ibn Haldun Campus itself offers a culturally diverse setting in which students will encounter native speakers of English and Arabic and consequently will have the opportunity to interact with them.


The Ibn Haldun School of Languages also offers Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Malay, German, Spanish, and French.